にほんご べんきょうする ひとたち

にほんご を べんきょう する ひと の ため の ばしょ です。
はなしかけて みたり、
しつもん を してみましょう。




「いいね!」 3





「いいね!」 2

アニメでよく聞くんだけど、言葉が「よ」という音で終わるのをよく耳にします。インターネットではそれが「ね」と同じ意味だと書かれていますが、違いを説明してもらえませんか? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

「いいね!」 1

The translator says:

Лечение только уколом.
Лечить только уколом.

Treatment is by injection only.
Treat with injections only.

「いいね!」 1


You can be treated by injection. And you don’t need other treatments.


You can be treated by injection. And no other treatments are effective.

Quite difficult comparison, so translators can be fooled.

Repost from another thread.

Quick explanation, here.

よ is attached to a clause. It expresses the speaker’s relatively firm opinion, emotion, or rarely annoyance towards the hearer.
And it can also indicates the speaker’s friendliness towards the hearer.

Compare these sentences…

Let’s go there.

(Come on,) let’s go there.

Though, in an informal conversation よ often lacks this sense of emotion. In that case it can’t be semantically distinguished from ね.

But be aware!
These two words are quite different in many occasions.

こんにちは、親愛なる友達の@Komori !私は初めての日本語の瞑想を録音しました。私にとってはひどい出来栄えだと思います :laughing: 、でもこれからも練習を続けます。あなたが聞いて評価してくれると嬉しいです。

「いいね!」 1

I’m listening it right now.

We’ve a long way to go of course, but still I’m proud of you Анатолий, you’ve made your first step towards success.

Notes for pronunciation.
-you finely pronounced each ‘single’ sound of Kana, like あ, い, う, え, お.

Except you are saying ‘O’ sound sometimes reducing to æ, like Russian pronunciation, you need to stop this habit.

-Considering about ‘continual’ sound, however, you need much more practice. Let me say this is terribly bad…yet.
But we don’t need to be sad. We always can be better by placing our effort to it.

Could I see the script of the dialogue?

「いいね!」 1

Let me give you some guidelines.
From 18:00~ in the video.

(今)、(弱く無防備な自分の一部であると感じながら)、(自分自身が) (実際に) (自分自身の内なる守護者を創り出したという考えに集中してみましょう)。(なぜなら)、(あなたは大人や周囲の人々に依存していたからです)。(あなたの生存と世界は彼らに依存していました)。(しかし)、(今は)(もはやそうではありません)。(自分自身以外の誰も)、(何も)、(あなたの内なる状態を創り出すことはできないことを自覚してください)。(なぜなら)、(あなたは自分に力を取り戻し)、(創造する力を持つからです)。

Do not insert any pause inside of these parentheses.

Japanese language do not has ‘stressing’ accentuation, like English or Russian. You need to be like a transient instrument like a piano, not like a violin or other string instruments.
Each sound represented by Kana must be pronounced relatively short, flat, and has same length of time.

「いいね!」 1

Thanks for your support, it means a lot to me. :smiling_face: Meditation scenario in this thread ひきこもり向け瞑想の翻訳

「いいね!」 1

Your voice are fitting very nicely with this kind of topic, by the way. Nice one.

「いいね!」 1

What I like most about the Japanese language is its melodiousness. So far for me it is very difficult, but I believe that I will succeed

「いいね!」 1

And when I say it so quickly, is it more correct?

「いいね!」 1

arigatto Komori :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :heart:

「いいね!」 1

Yeah, it is better.
But not great enough.

Let’s have some practice every day.
Like, shadowing the good examples.



It’s a short novel ‘Lemon’ by Motojiro Kajii.

These are good examples of narrating of the novel. It takes you only 20 minutes for each session.

「いいね!」 1

I’ll post a Hiragana version of the novel later.

I have a thing to do in real life so I’ll be off for about 40~60 minutes. Sorry​:shamrock:

「いいね!」 1

I listen all the time but when it comes to speaking my mouth turns to stone :zipper_mouth_face:

I found this channel

「いいね!」 1

I wish you success in real life :slightly_smiling_face:

「いいね!」 1

Yeah, I definitely know the difficulty. Actually, my tongue going to be like a fixed stone as well, when I try to speak in English.
And Russian? My tongue become a stone. Not like a stone. Just a stone.:robot:

I start converting the novel into Hiragana now.:+1:

「いいね!」 1

The most important thing is not to give up and keep learning! I believe that in a couple of years, I’ll be able to speak fluently. Good luck with your translation into Hiragana!" :slightly_smiling_face:

「いいね!」 1